Global One Companies LLC ("GLobalOne”
or “GO”) is a leader in social and business center marketing, finance and
wealth support services, global consumer product development and humanitarian
outreach. Global One Companies produces and distributes proprietary
wealth management materials, global research in financial markets, consumer
products and services and humanitarian deliverables of legendary quality.
Global One Companies is committed to expanding its core affiliate and partner
business centers while being socially responsible in delivering humanitarian
outreach, green technology and renewable and ecologically friendly products.
Ultimate Power Profits is Social Marketing Program or Home-Based Auto Passive Residual Income Business Program owned by the GlobalOne Companies, LLC, invented by successful Billionaire Entrepreneur "Scott Evans".
What makes Ultimate Power Profits attractive?
Ultimate Power Profits is a brand new program pre-launched on June 25th, 2012 to public.
It is different than any other internet Social programs. For example, Zeek Rewards, $600 Million Online Pyramid and Ponzi Scheme, shut down by SEC last week . SEC's action to shut down Zeek Rewards assures that victims can minimize their losses and avoid causing more victims domestically and globally. Click here to see Details. Zeek Rewards needs large capital to start.
Ultimate Power Profits
It does not need to have initial substantial capital to start. It is free to join. If you choose "paid membership" to earn extra matching bonus. Paid monthly membership fees starts from $10 to maximum $100. It is different than any other internet Social programs. For example, Zeek Rewards, $600 Million Online Pyramid and Ponzi Scheme, shut down by SEC last week . SEC's action to shut down Zeek Rewards assures that victims can minimize their losses and avoid causing more victims domestically and globally. Click here to see Details. Zeek Rewards needs large capital to start.
Ultimate Power Profits
· No need initial capital
· Free to join
· Cash commission payout in every 3 days, 10 times a month
· Spinfinity offers all active members the opportunity to earn significant commissions without ever actively promoting the program. No downline or Matrix under this mechanism.
How hot and popular Ultimate Power Profits website WorldWide?
As of Aug 18th 2012, Ultimate Power Profits' website ranks at #2,299 globally, #1,139 USA.
As of Aug 27th 2012, Ultimate Power Profits' website ranks at #1,657 globally, #889USA. This is an amazing number as just over one month pre-launch website.
Fast growing ranking in many countries all over the world proved the company has popularity. It is accepted by large populations.
Check this out on the Traffic Ranking Site here.
Check this out on the Traffic Ranking Site here.
How does GlobalOne Generate revenue?
- High-End Product Auction such as Rolex, Gucci bag, Gold Bar etc
Under the Ultimate Power Profits Program, the 1st business model is so called IGOBidWIN.com Penny Auction site. It is similar to the other online penny auction site, the huge different is that they are focusing on the High-End products such as, Rolex, Gucci bag, Gold Bar, Silver Bar, Collective Special products.
- Travel Agency and other business
Following by the several business model they are going to release soon for example, the travel agency business ..etc or any other special products which will be list on the markets to help global people. With different business incoming generation source for the GlobalOne companies, which have extremely huge advantage over other Internet business which only has one income generation source for the company.
Products and Services will go live one by one in the future. For example,
- Nutrition Supplement, Drinks
- Water Filtering System, Material
- Healthy Poultry Feed Products
- Medical Products
- Pest Control Naturally Products
- Any Other Innovation Ideas
Products and Services - Variety and Diversify
Per CEO Scott Evans at global company conference call on 8/28/12: Penny Auction site will go live in a few weeks in the beginning of September. GlobalOne Penny Auction will focus on high end products like gold bar, silver bar, diamond, iphone etc.
Other products and services like listed below will be released one by one. Over the months, and over the years in the coming days, there are be more great products coming out . The more great products/services, the more it can serve the world and benefit people, the more income members can earn.
Back to School products
Health Products
Party Products
Global Software
Global Travel Agency
Water system
Online shopping mall for over 200 countries, 70,000 stores
Immune System health products
Anti-Aging Products
Anti-Allergy products
Balance Blood sugar products
Bio & Eco-Science Products
Market in China (large population, huge market and opportunities)
It is 100% FREE to start with. You can upgrade to paid membership with your comfortable level if you choose to receive extra bonus.
A. Tin Membership: $10 monthly with 1 generation 20% matching Bonus benefits added.
B. Copper Membership: $25 monthly with 2 generation 20% matching Bonus benefits added.
C. Silver Membership: $50 monthly with 3 generation 20% matching Bonus benefits added.
D. Gold Membership: $75 monthly with 4 generation 20% matching Bonus benefits added.
E. Platinum Membership: $100 monthly with 5 generation 20% matching Bonus benefits added.
How does Ultimate Power Profits pay to members?
The program will pay to all 100% members every 3 days per month, payouts 10 times a month, listed as 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 19th, 22nd, 25th, 28th. All the commission is directly paid in cash into member's eWallet account. The great thing about this is that you don't have extra layer of time-consuming for doing money transfer.
What are members Compensation Plans from Ultimate Power Profits?
- Compensation Plan A - Spinfinity
It is pending patent which all members 100% get paid commission within 3 or 6 days. There is no downline or Matrix under this mechanism.
- Compensation Plan B - Go Global Profit Pool
Go Global Profit Pool walks off "Points Earned" System.
Go Global Profits Pool will also pay in every 3 days. The commissions are from all global Business sales. As soon as the company has more global business on board, you will gain more of the points and commissions in CASH every 3 days. By default the system will pay to the members 50% commissions in CASH directly into your eWallet and 50% will be remain as points to continue to grow your business for future.
- Compensation Plan C - Infinity Wealthy Builder
Infinity earns you the commissions thru 3 x 10 Forced Matrix.
This is also commission paid every 3 days. This is additional payout along with the Spinfinity and Go Global Profit Pool.
3 Compensation Plans of GlobalOne - Company Global Webinar
A. Compensation Plan - Spinfinity Overview
Part I - Spinfinity Part I
Part II - Spinfinity Part II
B. Compensation Plan - GO Global Profit Pool Overview
Does this Ultimate Power Profits really need Referrals?
NO. NO minimum referral qualifications to participate.
You can work on your comfortable level to start with. No referral pressure. This is a very low risks program to start with. If you make money with this program, you will be happy to share with your family and friends. The bottom line is NO referral pressure and NO initial Huge Capital needed to start with.
This program is created by Scott Evans. It is everyone helping each other's program. The program is called "Paradigm Shift".
This program is created by Scott Evans. It is everyone helping each other's program. The program is called "Paradigm Shift".
Does it involve any Risks here for this Program?
The answer is "YES, but very limited".
Why? Because there is no initial capital needed. Affiliate is free to join. If you choose to join as Paid Member, your risk will be monthly membership fees from $10~$100. Maximum is $100. Starting from $10. It is very easy to get started. 10 bucks. That's it. The risk is very LOW comparing with other companies that Initial capitals may need $1,000 or even $10,000 PLUS additional monthly membership fee.
Can you make money doing GlobalOne?
The answer is "YES".
Many people will decide to make a living doing this, to pay their bills, to pay their cars, to pay their boats.
Money is the hottest topic in the world. If you ask people: "Do you want to have more money?" The answer will be "YES" from everyone. Everyone wanted to have more money.
With GlobalOne, You can make extra $500,extra $1,000, extra $5,000.
The products and services are great. The compensation plans are great.
The payouts are in CASH every 3 days, 10 times a month.
No matter what your goal, what your plan, what your work ethics, what your desire to achieve doing this business is, if you do not give up, if you work hard, if you stay in the game, you will make money with this company.
How to Earn Big Money (Hit Home Run) doing Ultimate Power Profits?
You treat it like a hobby, returns will be like a hobby. You treat it like a job, you will earn income like a job.
If you do not give up and stay in the game and work hard. You will build wealth empire to give yourself and your family financial freedom.
If you use $100 wisely, you can make extra money. Upgrade to "Platinum" Membership $100/month to get maximum benefits from all the compensation plans.
Work on getting additional bonus.
For example:
Special Leadership Profit Pool is designed for Platinum Membership who qualified as "STAR LEADER". Start leaders will have additional bonus.
A few scenarios here:
A. Based on Spinfinity Compensation Plan: There are different commission pools with globalOne. For leadership Pool, if there are $100,000 in the Leadership Pool, it will be distributed evenly into the STAR Leaders. So One Star Leader Pool will have $20,000.
All qualified "One STAR Leaders" will share this $20,000. If there is only 10 "One STAR Leader", then each leader will earn $2,000 every 3 days. There are 10 times payout each month. So this is $20,000 per month.
Same thing for TWO STAR Leader. If there are only 2 qualified TWO STAR Leaders, then each leader will Earn $10,000 every 3 days. So this is $100,000 per month.
B. Infinity Compensation Plan: Each Platinum member under you in your matrix, you will earn $2/month. If there are 1,000 Platinum members under you, you will have extra $2 x 1000= $2,000 commissions per month. Even better, if you are also qualified as "ONE STAR Leader", then your $2,000 commissions will be doubled. It will be $2000x2=$4000/month.
This is truly residual income per month.
It is about making money. It is about impact on people's life for better and greater. It is about fun. It is about your dreams. It is about building your wealth empire. It is about financial freedom for you and your family. This is in GlobalOne.
This is Social Network Program which Scotty Evans invented. He tries to avoid all the mistakes by other companies and comes out this Global Business Model. This is truly an innovation of Social Network Business.
As a Member of Ultimate Power Profits you are witnessing firsthand and participating in how Scott's vision and teamwork can inspire and re-invent an entire global trillion dollar industry.
The products and services are consumer oriented. Easy to sell! Easy to market! Easy to get started.
Affiliates are FREE to join. Membership starting from $10. Only 10 bucks a month. It will give you financial freedom.
It is a gift to you and your family to help you build your wealth empire.
You will be proud to be part of the Paradigm Shift.
Latest News - GlobalOne Ultimate Power Profits - Go Live ! 11/1/12 Begins Phase II
Phase 2 will begin on November 1st, 2012.
November 1st, Scotty Evans said, Infinity 3x10 Matrix (one
of the 3 compensation plans) will start calculating commissions on November
1st. The website front page will look the same but there will be some changes at
the back office. Affiliates will be able
to see their downline numbers, who is active and who is not. Members can see their commissions growing.
Latest News - GlobalOne Ultimate Power Profits - 9.30.12 Go Live Date Announcement
The train will be leaving the station very soon.
October 10th, you will be able to earn commissions
from that day. Click here for details
Big News! Ultimate Power Profits - GlobalOne will launch in September 2012
Latest Update - Ultimate Power Profits -9/20/12 GlobalOne Webninar
J. Michael Palka, GlobalOne Companies' Marketing Director, Senior Executive Marketing Consultant, today in company global seminar said: "Ultimate Power Profits (UPP) will launch in September."
Show casing another great product that reduces your home electric bill and creates healthy and safe home environment.
Please click here to read details.
For the topics below covered on 9/4/12 call, please click here.
Where has Penny Auction gone?
Introduction of a new product coming out soon - Car Protection Product
JOIN NOW for Free, click here.
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